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Reporter.ProductTopSellers Method (Filter, Facets, String, Int32, Int32)
Fetches a ProductTopSellersReport. The report contains sales statistics for the best products and variants that matches the filter. The report is sorted according to the specified sort by order.

The report contains a list of sections, each containing the following values:

  • The product key.
  • The variant key or an empty String if it is a product.
  • The number of purchases during the time interval.
  • The number of abandonment during the time interval.
  • The total discount for the item during the time interval.
  • The total margin for the item during the time interval.
  • The total revenue for the item during the time interval.

Namespace:  Apptus.ESales.Connector
Assembly:  Apptus.Esales.ConnectorApi (in Apptus.Esales.ConnectorApi.dll) Version: 4.5.0
public ProductTopSellersReport ProductTopSellers(
	Filter filter,
	Facets facets,
	string sortBy,
	int windowFirst,
	int windowLast


Type: Apptus.ESales.Connector.Filter
A filter defining the product set to report on.
Type: Apptus.ESales.Connector.Facets
Together with filter, the set of products and variant to consider when the top list is created.
Type: System.String

Sort order, one of the following:

  • purchased_units [asc|desc]
  • abandoned_units [asc|desc]
  • discount [asc|desc]
  • margin [asc|desc]
  • revenue [asc|desc]
Type: System.Int32
The first position, inclusive, to be present in the report. The first position is 1.
Type: System.Int32
The last position, inclusive, to be present in the report.

Return Value

Type: ProductTopSellersReport
A ProductTopSellersReport
Since 3.4.0
See Also