ElementListener InterfaceA Sandcastle Documented Class Library

Element listener interface. Listens to elements in an XML document. Users of this API can either implement their own element listeners, or use one of the pre-defined listeners:

  • ContentListener - Holds the content of an element
  • RecordListener - Reads records, a list of XML elements with subelements representing the fields in a record
  • Serializer - Writes the XML, without indentation and line feeds, to a string builder
  • FormattingSerializer - Writes the XML, including tags and attributes, to a string builder
  • Registry - Registers element listeners for different element paths in the XML document
  • Duplexer - Distributes all callbacks to two element listeners

Namespace:  Apptus.Util.Xml
Assembly:  Apptus.Esales.ConnectorApi (in Apptus.Esales.ConnectorApi.dll) Version: 4.1.0

public interface ElementListener

The ElementListener type exposes the following members.


Public methodContent
Notifies the element listener that an element contains supplied character content.
Public methodEnd
Notifies the element listener that an element ends.
Public methodListenedTo
Notifies the element listener that an element is no longer listened to.
Public methodListenTo
Returns a listener for the element specified by a path.
Public methodStart
Notifies the element listener that an element starts.
See Also
