ReporterTopSellingSearches Method (Filter, Facets, Int32, Int32)A Sandcastle Documented Class Library
Fetches a TopSellingSearchesReport. The report contains a top list of search phrases associated with the products and variants that matches the filter. The report is sorted by the total number of purchases, of products and variants that matches the filter, that the search phrases can be associated with.

The report contains a list of sections, each containing a search phrase and the number of times the search phrase has lead to a purchase of a product or variant that matches the filter.

Namespace:  Apptus.ESales.Connector
Assembly:  Apptus.Esales.ConnectorApi (in Apptus.Esales.ConnectorApi.dll) Version: 4.1.0

public TopSellingSearchesReport TopSellingSearches(
	Filter filter,
	Facets facets,
	int windowFirst,
	int windowLast


Type: Apptus.ESales.ConnectorFilter
The set of products and variant to consider when the top list is created.
Type: Apptus.ESales.ConnectorFacets
Together with filter, the set of products and variant to consider when the top list is created.
Type: SystemInt32
The first position, inclusive, to be present in the report. The first position is 1.
Type: SystemInt32
The last position, inclusive, to be present in the report.

Return Value

Type: TopSellingSearchesReport
A TopSellingSearchesReport

Since 3.5.0
See Also
